Nurses Respond Now Priority Training

Preparing Nurses to Address the Needs of Vulnerable Populations in a Public Health Emergency


A nursing continuing professional development activity jointly provided by the National RN Practice Development Center and the Wisconsin Center for Nursing (WCN), a national leader in nursing workforce development.

Welcome to the National Registered Nurse Practice Development Center online education program.

You are now able to access the course!

Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Bookmark this page to be able to return to it more easily.
  2. Enter your full email address as your username
  3. Use the password you created upon payment
  4. You will see a list of courses you are enrolled in on your profile page.
  5. NOTE: If you do not see a list of courses, please wait a few minutes and refresh your browser window.

A few tips to navigate through the online classroom:

  • If you ever exit the course website, or navigate away from the course page, use the “My Courses” links located at the top of the website to navigate back to your course list.
  • If you logout of the course, click the “Login” link in the top red bar to return to the login page.
  • From the profile page, click on the blue button to the left of your course list labeled “Continue Where You Left Off”

Thank you so much for registering in the course! We’re excited to have you and hope that you find it as helpful as other students have in the past.

Again, please let me know if you have any trouble accessing the course or run into any technical issues at

If you have any questions regarding course materials, please contact Kelly Kruse Nelles at



Heather Biederman
eLearning Administrator
National Registered Nurse Practice Development Center
